Fire Damage Photo Gallery

Odor from smoke
This building had a fire in it that led to this family having smoke/odor in their apartment. We are able to clean the smell and the smoke out, as seen in this picture. Our men are professionals who will make sure you won't have to deal with the smoke smell any longer.

Ceiling removal after fire
This building had a huge fire that effected many floors, and we were there immediately. We had to open part of this apartments ceiling as floors above were also effected by the fire. It took a lot of equipment and machines to remove the smoke smell as well.

Restaurant fire
The problem with restaurant fires, is that most managers don't want to have to close down when such things happen. Unfortunately, it is something that has to be resolved sooner than later. The restaurant cannot function with hazardous issues that come from a fire occurring.

Contents after a fire
This house had a fire occur in the kitchen, which therefore effected the contents in the house. The customer had lots of contents that needed to be cleaned up and organized. It took awhile for the customer to decide between what could be salvaged or not. We were able to save some items, and made the house go back to normal.

Large house fire
This house fire took us many weeks to make it look like it was somewhat back to normal. The whole house was effected and it as devastating for the customer. Luckily, we did an incredible job to make the place get stabilized and cleaned up.

Fire in a restaurant's kitchen
This restaurant had a fire occur in it's kitchen. Business had to temporarily be shut down. We came in, quickly cleaned up the area and then replaced the tiles to make it look brand new.